Sunday, July 3, 2011

how did the popcorn dance.

have you wondered how to make popcorn dance?Well i have seen it Its quite easy once you get the hang of it. There is an experiment that makes popcorn dance.

All you need is vinegar,water,cup,food colouring and a spoon.The food colouring can be any colour. 

Firstly you need to put water in the cup.Fill it up so there's only 1/4 without water in the cup.After you put the water in you put in the food colouring so it changes colour. Soon you put in the vinegar.After you put in the vinegar the water starts to fizz.Later you put in the popcorn kernels. Finally you wait then you start to stir the popcorn then it should start dancing.

Once the popcorn starts dancing there will be bubbles around it.Then it should start floating up and down.The popcorn floated because the bubbles around it made it float because when it goes up the bubbles around it popped and goes down then when it goes down it gets bubbles then it comes back up.

I hope you all can do this experiment so you know what it does.All you need is the right ingredients to do this experiment.

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